

Cast & Prodiction Team



Turpin - Culann Smyth
Priest - Andy Hutchinson
Tom King - Mickey Knighton
Jailer - Jerry Lyne
Bob - John Everett
Mary - Amanda Harman
Earl/ Man - Simon Messingham
Countess/woman - Sophie Hartley
George / Pamphleteer - Jason Lever
Jack/tailor - Thomas Dee


Production Team

Director: Mark Lester
Playwright: Barry Purchese
Production & Stage Manager: Gabrielle Bowring
Deputy Stage Manager: Bryony Weaver
Assistant Stage Manager: Marion Drew
Costume Design: Alice Clark
Makeup: Emese Csoma
Set Design: Gabrielle Bowring
Set Construction: Simon Glazier & George Walter
Set Painting: Jean Parker & Simon Glazier
Lighting Design: Dan Walker
Lighting Operator: Esme Bird
Sound Design: Ian Black
Sound Operator: Alice J Crouch & Carol Croft
Props: Gabrielle Bowring & Bryony Weaver
Poster & Programme: Tamsin & Strat Mastoris
Production Coordinator: Tom Kitch
Rehearsal/Headshot Photography & Social Media: James Maltby
Photography: Strat Mastoris
Publicity & Marketing: Ceiri O'douglas
Health & Safety: Ian Black





The New Venture Theatre is run entirely by its members on a voluntary basis
We do not hire our theatre spaces to external organisations