The Herd

by Rory Kinnear

directed by Charly Sommers


Cast & Poduction Team



Carol - Katie Brownings
Claire - Grace Vance
Patricia - Nikki Dunsford
Brian - John Tolputt
Mark - Lewis Todhunter
Ian - Rob Punter
Andy - Joseph Tipler


Production Team

Production Manager - James Maltby
Stage Manager - Erin Burbridge
ASMs - Carol Croft & Martyn Coates
Creative Consultant - Deej Johnson
Photography - James Maltby & Strat Mastoris
Designer - Tim McQuillen-Wright
Set Team - Simon Glazier, George Walter, Rob Punter, Katie Brownings, Steve Coulson & John Everett
Lighting Desiugner - Strat Mastoris
Lighting Operation - Tamsin Mastoris & Esme Bird
Sound Design & Operation - James Maltby
Poster Design - James Maltby
Props - Erin Burbridge, Katie Brownings & James Maltby
Costume - Charly Sommers & Cast
Health & Safety - Ian Black
Programme - Ian Amos
Live Stream - Apollo Videaux






The New Venture Theatre is run entirely by its members on a voluntary basis
We do not hire our theatre spaces to external organisations