Di & Viv & Rose

Cast & Production Team



Di - Sophie Dearlove
Viv - Emmie Spencer
Rose - Mandy-Jane Jackson

Production Team

Director - Claire Lewis
Production Manager - Pat Boxall
Stage Manager - Janet White
ASM - Carol Croft
Lighting & Sound Design - Dan Walker
Lighting Operation - Alex Epps
Sound Operation & Projections - Apollo Videaux
Set Design - Simon Glazier & George Walter
Movement - Graham Brown
Wardrobe - Gladrags, Claire & Cast
Hair - Richi Blennerhassett
Rehearsal Photography - James Maltby
Original Poster - Becky Alford
Programme - Tamsin Mastoris
Publicity - Aldo Henriquez & James Michael






The New Venture Theatre is run entirely by its members on a voluntary basis
We do not hire our theatre spaces to external organisations