Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons, Lemons

Cast & Production Team



Bernadette - Paris Nethercott-Cable
Oliver - Rhys Wilson-Plant


Production Team

Director - Cata Lindegaard
Directing Mentors - Pat Lyne & Katie Brownings
Production Manager - Ian Black
Stage Manager - Terri Challis
Set Design - Judith Berrill & Simon Glazier
Set Building - Simon Glazier, George Walter, Judith Berrill, Katie Brownings & Cata Lindegaard
Lighting Design - Strat Mastoris
Sound Design - Cata Lindegaard
Lighting Operation - Tamsin Mastoris & Esme Bird
Sound Operation - Apollo Videaux & Ian Black
Props - Cata Lindegaatd
Poster Design / Programme - Tamsin Mastoris
Photography - Strat Mastoris
Publicity - Aldo Oliver Henriquez






The New Venture Theatre is run entirely by its members on a voluntary basis
We do not hire our theatre spaces to external organisations



Box Office - boxoffice@newventure.org.uk - 01273 746118 | Admin - info@newventure.org.uk - 01273 808353 | W3W - /// mouth.stress.vocal

New Venture Theatre © 2024. All Rights Reserved.